蒸した卵はゆで卵よりも柔らかいと言われている。蒸気の方が熱湯よりも優しいからだ。総合的な健康面で、卵に匹敵する食品を考えるのは難しい。卵はよく自然のスーパーフードと呼ばれ、ビタミン、ミネラル、重要な微量栄養素を含んでいる。さらに、オプティマルヘルス (最高・最善の健康状態) に必要なプロテインとEAA (必須アミノ酸) もだ。
「St. John (セント・ジョン)」のライ麦パンに、半熟の卵やサーモン、チャイブをトッピングすれば、栄養価の高いランチの完成だ!
Anyone who’s travelled with me knows I have an affinity for useful gadgets. From a portable phone charger, miniature flashlight to a heated eyelash curler I usually got it all on the road with me. Compact kitchen gadgets are another obsession. Which one to recommend for this feature was a tough choice. The most useful recommendation that came to mind is an egg machine! Also slightly ridiculous, as I’m well aware.
When we first moved into the Barbican office space around 2018, I purchased an egg machine; tested and tried it has been a staple at the office ever since. There’s only a kitchenette, so space is limited for food prep. The WMF egg machine is for one single egg, making it a compact and sleek gadget.
I highly dislike getting takeaway and on the occasion that I didn’t manage to bring in leftovers from dinner the night before, the egg machine comes in handy. Cold eggs are a no-go for me, hence the necessity.
Supposedly steamed eggs are more tender than their boiled counterparts. This is because steam is gentler than boiling water. It’s hard to think of any food that can compete with eggs in overall health terms. Eggs are often referred to as nature’s superfood, containing vitamins, minerals and vital micronutrients. Plus protein and essential amino acids required for optimum health.
Rye bread from St John, topped with a runny-yolked egg, salmon and chives – nutritious lunch done!