9/ 2024

  • 小泉智貴 ドレスデザイナー/美術作家
  • 山下有佳子 アートプロデューサー
  • 松岡茉優 俳優
  • 山本憲資 SML 創業者兼CEO
  • 鈴木涼美 作家
  • 鈴木親 写真家
  • 中村友美 金工家
  • 源馬大輔 ディレクター
  • 柿崎麻莉子 ダンサー/振付家
  • 北村道子 スタイリスト
  • 髙比良くるま 令和ロマン(お笑い芸人)
  • ヴェロニカ ディッティング クリエイティブ・ディレクター


    (Eros Magazine)



    My book shelves are primarily filled with vintage publications and I’m extremely conscientious about which ones I keep. Eros, is a magazine I often go back to for editorial inspiration. The quarterly publication was a collaboration between legendary art director Herb Lubalin (1918–1981) and taboo-busting editor and publisher Ralph Ginzburg (1929–2006).

    First published in 1962, Eros was devoted to eroticism and filled with articles and photographic essays relating to the topic. The large format (25.4 x 33 cm) and hardbound cover made it look like a book rather than a quarterly magazine. Features were printed on varying papers and no advertising was included on the pages.

    The layouts of the photographic essays of Eros were bold and distinctive; I especially adore the diversity of editorial features. All issues had a dynamic, playful and witty sensitivity. Engravings, essays, letters, facsimiles – there wasn’t any type of feature which hadn’t been included; but all materials were treated with clarity and purpose.

    Lubalin is widely acknowledged for his expressive and complex typographic arrangements and sense of humour. He was truly ahead of his time. It’s actually astonishing to think the four issues were published more than sixty long years ago.

    Sadly only four issues made the light of day. The magazine closed down, partly because it was so expensive to produce, but primarily because Ralph Ginzburg was famously prosecuted and jailed. He was indicted under federal laws for promotional efforts for the fourth and final issue.

    As a designer with an editorial focus myself, the issues are an endless source of inspiration to me.

  • 二村毅 スタイリスト
  • 太田莉菜 モデル/俳優
  • 関祐介 デザイナー
  • 毛利悠子 美術家
  • 源大 モデル
  • 松沼礼 HUMAN MADE Inc. 代表取締役CEO兼COO
  • 川良謙太 VOU/棒 オーナー
  • ロバート キャンベル 日本文学研究者
  • カネコアヤノ シンガーソングライター