私はアルゼンチンで生まれ、ヨーロッパに移ってからも何度も訪れているが、南部を旅したのは今回が初めてだった。私たちはまず、アルヘンティーノ湖の上にある、今も成長と崩壊を繰り返すことで「生きた氷河」として知られるペリト・モレノを目指した。氷の巨大な塊が水中に激しく崩れ落ちる裂け目を見るのは感動的で、遠くから氷河を眺めた後ガイド付きのハイキングに出かけたが、氷河を間近で見るということは私にとって初めての経験で、それは強烈な体験だった。特別な光、凍てつくような風、広大で少し恐ろしいクレバス、鉱物の残留物で青く染まったような深い割れ目、すべてが 私たちを厳戒態勢で望ませる。そして私たちは深さ50メートル以上にもなるクレバスを難なく飛び越えた。氷河は絶え間なく風景を変え、1日ごとにすべてが移り変わる。
Back in 2016 I traveled through Patagonia, the roughly 490,000-square-mile area at the southern end of South America shared between Chile and Argentina, with my brother Christian and now sister-in-law Camilla. This is a trip I often reminisce about, I don’t think I felt as far away from civilisation and so immersed by nature ever since.
I was born in Argentina and since we moved to Europe have been visiting many times, but this was the first opportunity traveling all the way South. We started at Perito Moreno, the glacier known for its impressive terminus above Lago Argentino, the ruptures and the fact that it’s still growing. Seeing the ruptures, whereby huge chunks of ice violently collapse into the water, is impressive. After admiring it all from afar, we went for a guided hike. The intensity of experiencing a glacier up close was a first for me. The particular light, the frosty winds, the vastness and slightly terrifying crevasses, deep cracks seemingly dipped in blue from mineral residues, all keep you on high alert. We effortlessly jumped over the crevasses which can be around 50 meters or more deep. Glaciers are constantly transforming landscapes, from one day to the next everything shifts.
Next we made our way to the majestic national park Torres del Paine in Chile where we hiked for four or five days. Ferocious winds, hailing, sunny and mild weather – the weather is treacherous due to the park’s micro-climate. The scenery is beyond spectacular and drastically changes from day to day. Patagonia is at the end of the earth, and here it truly feels like it. The hikes were strenuous but so rewarding. We were camping all nights of the trail and I remember having to wear earplugs due to the noisy winds in the night. By the end of the trail we were exhausted but also immensely proud of our achievement. I’m not quite sure how we managed to hike up the Fitz Roy, 3,375 meters high in Los Glaciares National Park Argentina, after finishing the trail at Torres del Paine.
By the end of the trip our lips were cracked, all of our rain-proof garments were soaking wet, our legs and bottoms were sore. But I wouldn’t change it for a thing. Patagonia is impressive, gentle, harsh, romantic, possibly even spiritual. It encompasses all.